Trend menge-tag ni bagus. Boleh mengeratkan silaturrahim. Kan? Kali ini ada dua tag dari tiga orang. So, layan saja, okay.
Yang satu.
Tag dari pemilik
Aeropy a.k.a Encik Syam a.k.a Onshoreman. Yang ini, unik sikit tagnya, iaitu, kita harus me'manga'kan muka atau meng'avatar'kan muka kita. Lalu, yang di bawah ni muka aku kalau masuk dalam manga.
Psst..Syam, saya buat satu saja boleh kan? Kalau awak tak bagi pun, saya buat juga. ;P

Angan-angan aku, kalau aku dapat jadi watak dalam manga, aku nak jadi macam Yankumi dalam
Gokusen tu, atau Nodame dalam
Nodame Cantabile. Bolehkah?
Lepas ni, aku mau tengok muka Kancil clan aku jadi muka manga. Siapa terasa tu, buatlah. Ha ha ha!
Sila ke
sini untuk mencipta muka manga kau orang.
Yang dua.
Ini pula tag dari
kawan lama & kawan baru. Kalau sayang aku, bacalah. Heh.
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
HIM.2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Bus Ticket. JB - KL. RM23.90.3) Where do you wish to get married?
My family's home?4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
HE owned me, right?5) Are you in love?
Eh. Hello. I'm here to talk about my career. No personal question please! ( Macam artis-artis tak? Hak hak hak. )6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Student Corner, Taman Sri Pulai. Sometimes I cant stand the kakak with, "Tak de duit kecik ke dik?"7) Name the latest book that you bought?
Elarti 2, from mail. I love Ernee Ismail's poem, entitled 'Enter Me'. 8)What is your full name?
Nurul `Atiqah Bt. Mohd Nasir. 9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
Both. I won't be here if I don't have both of them aite?10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Same as Putrie Me. Doraemon. I was always dreaming that he will come during my examination and give the answer in a blink.11) Christina or Britney?
Christina's suit my ear better. Beautiful compared to Break the Ice, for instance.12) Do you do your own laundry?
You want to do it for me? Cannn...13) The most exciting place you want to go?
For this moment I would like to choose my mom's hugs.14) Hugs or kisses?
Both. May I?15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
Ijat & Putrie Me:- Girls.
- Same age.
- Outgoing ( Are you Putrie? Hehe)
- Cute. ;)
- One is my bestie and one is newbie. But both are in love. Am I right? Hehe.
16) 8 things I am passionate about:
- Blogging.
- Looking at belle pictures. Wish to get to capture them too. ( Er..DSLR for me, anybody? )
- Books, regardless any genre.
- Bike riding.
- Movies.
- Songs.
- Travelling ( provided that I have RM5k++ income and still single. Haha! )
17) 8 things I say too often:
- Weh.
- Hmm...
- Ya ampun.
- Owait.
- Apa kes...
- Sabar strong okay.
- Awak.. (referring to my stuffs if I'm alone in my room. Gila ka? Hahaha!)
18) 4 books I’ve read recently:
- Tafsir Quran + Ma'thurat.
- Laskar Pelangi - Andrea Hirata.
- Kopi & Roti - Azzam Supardi.
- Bedar Sukma Bisu - FT.
19) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
- Say (All I Need) - One Republic
- Bulan - Zainal Abidin (KeKKwa)
- Suriram - Zainal Abidin (KeKKwa)
- Sudah Tu Sudah - Imran Ajma'in.
- Helpless When She Smiles - BSB
- Sempurna - Andra and The Backbone
- Main Hati - Andra and The Backbone
- Musafir di Aidilfitri - Jeffrydin ( Hah? BLAME THE iTUNES! )
20) 8 things I learned last year:
- How to be a good teacher - a big NO to smile in the first class if you got a REMOVE class.
- Renting a house during my teaching practice. Heh.
- There is a shorcut from Taman Ungku Aminah to Taman Universiti. But for the first trial, I got lost at a place called Lima Kedai. Haih.
- If your car is over-heat, do not suddenly pour a pail of water on the carburettor. Nanti ada kejadian ala-ala pengeboman pengganas.
- Making nasi ayam alone is actually a simple thing. Apa daa..
- ....
- ....
- Can't think for others. Haih.